“eStores are a integral part of a non-profits branding efforts. Additionally, eStores can become a great fundraising tool for your organization. Let our company manage all your eStore activities, from product selection to inventory management and customer service. We guarantee profitability. Don’t be satisfied with Cafepress, Weebly or Zazzle. You can control your brand plus merchandise selections and your margins. Put our expertise to work for your organization today. “
Branded Merchandise and Apparel eStores
Our eStore program is a value-added service for our fundraising incentive customers. Its primary purpose is to increase income from the sale of branded merchandise. As a bonus, it also provides branding and marketing control.
eStores can become an integral part of your DIY programs and branding efforts. Additionally, eStores can become a fundraising tool, capturing income from excited passionate supporters, volunteers and staff who want branded apparel and merchandise. We manage all your eStore activities, from product selection to inventory management and customer service. We guarantee profitability. Take control of your branded merchandise and your margins. Free-up your staff time and expense. Don’t be satisfied with a do-it yourself effort or Cafepress, Weebly or Zazzle.
We offer two kinds of stores.
1) Donation eStore, this eStore can be customized to meet your income goals and desired branding standards. Income can be set from 5% to 100% of every sale. eStores can be created for your DIY project, Social Media Events, Signature Events or just to provide an online store for your organizations brand. There are many features that can be added to your customized eStore, we will work together to maximize your eStore potential. Each store is customized to your needs and income requests.
Sometimes the best way to understand is to Test Drive a live site. Test Drive
2) Crowd-funded eStore, this eStore is designed for top fundraisers or teams with no upfront costs. These eStores designed as a success-based model, all administrative expenses are paid by funds raised in the eStore or can be paid by a Sponsor.
This eStore runs on the IgniteCM™ system, a crowd-funding platform lighter than Blackbaud with a social media focus. It is very fast and very easy to implement, providing you the administrative control desired. Income is determined by the merchandise sold. Organizations like this model because of the branding control provided plus the opportunity for top teams to increase their income at your fundraising events/DIY project.
Sometimes the best way to understand is to Test Drive a live site. Test Drive
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